
A Verizon IndyCar Series transporter serves as a team's "race shop on wheels," crucial to the attrack activity of every team. These big rigs not only transport race cars and equipment but convert into a mobile race shop with high-tech work areas and team headquarters, housing everything needed for a successful race weekend. Meeting Area (RED): Utilized for driver debriefings, race strategy sessions, engineering meetings and driver interviews.

Overhead Storage (YELLOW): Transportation
and storage area for the team's primary car and
back-up or "T" car. Cars are loaded and unloaded from overhead storage using a lift. Awnings or canopies can be attached to the exterior overhead storage area, creating a make-shift garage area at tracks with limited or temporary space such as street courses. Lower Storage Area (BLUE): This travel storage area converts into a workspace at-track. This transporter is just an example of what you may find in the Verizon IndyCar Series paddock. Teams modify this basic design to fit their at-track needs.

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