Pit box

Pit Box

The pit box serves as a Verizon IndyCar Series team's race day headquarters. Typically the race engineer, race strategist and data acquisition engineer sit atop the pit box to continually monitor all incoming information and determine the race strategy, while a Honda or Chevrolet engineer is located in the back of the pit box overseeing the engine performance.

1. Flat-screen monitors on top display the current weather and upcoming forecasts, timing & scoring data, the television broadcast and the car's telemetry.

2. Monitors are placed on the back of the pit box for monitoring the engine.

3. Laptops are utilized by engineers to calculate fuel mileage, to pull trends and data from previous races and more.

4. Storage for team communication gear.

5. Antennas are mounted high into the air to provide good reception of radio communication and car telemetry data.

6. A camera is mounted to the antenna pole to record each pit stop for teams to review following the race.

7. A weather station is mounted to the very top of the antennae to monitor wind direction and more.

What Is Telemetry?

In the high-tech world of IndyCar Series racing, teams employ telemetry to monitor performance and gain every possible competitive advantage. Telemetry is a radio device that relays information such as engine, tire, steering and throttle performance to team engineers in the pit box. The team can monitor car and driver activity to ensure the car is performing properly. During a race, IndyCar Series teams use telemetry to gather data live from their cars as they formulate their race strategy. In the IndyCar Series, teams receive their data from their own on-board systems as well as from the league's Timing & Scoring operation.

Teams can customize their computers to display a multitude of data, including:

  • Chassis Performance
  • Tire Pressures
  • Lap Times / Speeds
  • Fuel Economy / Fuel Used / Fuel Remaining
  • Anti-Roll Bar Position
  • Max Speed
  • Gear Position
  • Engine-Control Module
  • Transmission
  • Suspension
  • Braking
  • Cooling Systems
  • Weight Jacker Position
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