
1. START (GREEN): Signals the start of a race, practice session or qualifying attempt.
2. FINISH (CHECKERS): Signals the end of the race, practice session or qualifying attempt.
3. PASSING (BLUE): Signals a driver that a faster car is attempting to pass.
4. LAST LAP (WHITE): Signals that one lap remains in a race or qualifying attempt.
5. STOP (RED): Signals that the track is not safe to proceed at any speed.
6. CONSULTATION (BLACK): Signals that the driver should proceed immediately to the pit area
for consultation with officials.
7. CAUTION (YELLOW): Signals that the track is not safe for racing speeds.
8. SURFACE (YELLOW AND RED STRIPE): Signals that oil, water or some other substance has
made the track surface slippery.
9. DISQUALIFICATION (BLACK WITH WHITE CROSS): Signals that the driver has been

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