
Oval vs Road Course Configuration

The car illustrations here represent the 2014 Dallara IC-12 machine, and may not be reflective of the 2017 Honda and Chevrolet aero kits.

Oval Configuration:

Front Wings (Yellow): Single-element wing used on speedways.

Rear Wing (Orange): Single-element wing used on speedways.

Cockpit Padding (Purple): More padding for driver's head on his right. Oval racing is all left turns. The padding counters this constant force on drivers.

Brake Ducts (Red): Minimal ducting is used.

Tire Camber/Suspension (Blue): Tire camber has both tires leaning to the driver's right. This allows the car to sit more balanced at speed on the banking of oval tracks. It also is a setup used for only turning to the left.

Race Distance: Races run to distance regardless of time.

Road Course Configuration:

Front Wings (Yellow): Multi-element wing for added downforce.

Rear Wing (Orange): Multi-element wing for added downforce.

Cockpit Padding (Purple): The padding is equal on both sides of the driver.

Brake Ducts (Red): Larger ducts used front and rear to allow for more cooling.

Tire Camber/Suspension (Blue): All tires are pointed inward. This helps the car at speed to turn both left and right and maintain a good contact patch to the road surface.

Race Distance: Races run to distance or time limit, whichever comes first.

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