About car

Top Speed: Approximately 235 mph
Engine: Twin-turbocharged, 2.2-liter V-6
Horsepower: Approx. 550 - 700 depending on turbo boost.
Gearbox: Assisted six-speed paddle shift plus reverse
Fuel: Sunoco E85 (blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline)
Tires: Firestone Firehawk (ungrooved racing slicks; grooved wet-condittion tires for road/street courses)
Wheelbase: 117.5-121.5 inches
Weight: Approximately 1,610 pounds (road/street/short oval configuration) and 1,580 pounds (speedway configuration), without fuel, driver and driver weight equivalent
Height: Approx 40 inches
Width: 78.5 inches maximum, 77.5 inches minimum (measured outside rim to rim), floor is 79 inches

1. Front tire

2. Center spine

3. Anti-roll bar adjusters

4. Refueling adapter

5. Headrest structure

6. Oil cooler

7. Fuel vent

8. Roll hoop

9. Air jack fitting

10. Turbo inlet

11. Oil scavenge tower

12. Rear anti-roll bar assembly

13. Rear damper/spring assembly

14. Transmission/gearbox

15. Rear wing

16. Front wing

17. Front brake disc

18. Brake master cylinder

19. Front spring/damper unit

20. Front air jack

21. Engine Control Unit

22. Water radiator

23. Molded seat

24. Impact lights

25. Exhaust system

26. Turbocharger

27. Rear brake disc

28. Rear attenuator

29. Rear tire

FRONT WING: The front wing (16) works in conjunction with the rear wing to create aerodynamic
downforce and balance between the front and the rear of the car. There are two different front wing
configurations with the new Chevrolet and Honda aerodynamic bodywork kits: one for speedway and
the other for road/street courses and short ovals. There are multiple component options that teams can
utilize to improve handling.
REAR WING: The rear wing (15) works in conjunction with the front wing to create aerodynamic
downforce and balance between the front and the rear of the car. There are three configurations:
speedway; road/streeet course and short oval; and Indianapolis 500.
CHASSIS: The central part of the car, including the driver's compartment. The chassis is constructed
of carbon fiber with an aluminum honeycomb core. As the frame of the car, the chassis houses the
center spine (2), anti-roll bar adjusters (3), the refueling adaptor (4), headrest structure (5), fuel vent
(7), roll hoop (8), air jack fitting (9), turbo inlet (10), brake master cylinder (18), front spring/damper
unit (19), front air jack (20), molded seat (23) and impact lights (24).
SIDEPOD: Also included in the chassis is the side pod, the bodywork on the side of the car covering
the oil cooler (6), engine control unit (21) and water radiator (22). The sidepod and its components aid
in engine cooling, car aerodynamics and driver protection in case of a side impact.
FUEL CELL: The fuel cell is made of rubber and is covered with a Kevlar-fitted blanket for extra
protection in side impacts. It holds 18.5 gallons of Sunoco E85R.
GEARBOX/BELLHOUSING: There is an assisted gear shift system utilizing paddle shifting.
Paddles are located on the back of the steering wheel, with the right paddle moving up gears and the
left paddle moving down gears. The bellhousing connects the gearbox to the engine. Key components
of the gearbox bellhousing include the oil scavenge tower (11), rear anti-roll bar assembly (12), rear
damper/spring assembly (13) and transmission (14).
ENGINE: Chevrolet and Honda supply 2.2-liter, twin-turbocharged, direct-injected V-6 engines with
approximately 550-700 horsepower for the diverse schedule - from street/road courses to short ovals to
superspeedways. The engine houses the exhaust system (25) and the turbocharger (26).
TIRES: Firestone Firehawk racing radials are mounted on 15-inch rims with front tires (1)
approximately 11 inches wide and rear tires (29) approximately 15 inches wide. The weight of a car at
speed is approximately four times the static weight, so the tire sidewalls have to strong enough to
handle the stress, yet thin enough to dissipate heat. Surface contact with the track for each tire at any
time is about the size of a credit card.
FRONT/REAR SUSPENSION: The front and rear suspension attach the wheels to the chassis. It is
designed to withstand all the braking and acceleration loads in addition to vertical loads. The
suspension includes the front brake disc (17) and rear brake disc (27).

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